Stockholms Universitet Laboratory refrigerators and freezers

Laboratory refrigerators and freezers

Stockholms universitet, Stockholm

Stockholm University is conducting a public procurement for a framework agreement regarding laboratory refrigerators and freezers, along with the accompanying range of products for these devices.

Stockholm University intends to award contracts to multiple tenderers across different tender areas (TA).

The scope of the procurement is encompassed by the following TAs:

TA 1: Atex interior refrigerators, freezers and combination units

TA 2: Low temperature freezers - 86°C

TA 3: Mechanical cryo freezers - 150°C

The products are aimed for research and laboratory work. The laboratory environment at Stockholm University requires high-quality and reliable refrigeration and freezing equipment to ensure successful research outcomes. It is essential to maintain a strong international position by continuously working with top-quality products.

Laboratory refrigerators and freezers

Stockholm University is conducting a public procurement for a framework agreement regarding laboratory refrigerators and freezers, along with the accompanying range of products for these devices.

Stockholm University intends to award contracts to multiple tenderers across different tender areas (TA).

The scope of the procurement is encompassed by the following TAs:

TA 1: Atex interior refrigerators, freezers and combination units

TA 2: Low temperature freezers - 86°C

TA 3: Mechanical cryo freezers - 150°C

The products are aimed for research and laboratory work. The laboratory environment at Stockholm University requires high-quality and reliable refrigeration and freezing equipment to ensure successful research outcomes. It is essential to maintain a strong international position by continuously working with top-quality products.

Laboratory refrigerators and freezers

Stockholm University is conducting a public procurement for a framework agreement regarding laboratory refrigerators and freezers, along with the accompanying range of products for these devices.

Stockholm University intends to award contracts to multiple tenderers across different tender areas (TA).

The scope of the procurement is encompassed by the following TAs:

TA 1: Atex interior refrigerators, freezers and combination units

TA 2: Low temperature freezers - 86°C

TA 3: Mechanical cryo freezers - 150°C

The products are aimed for research and laboratory work. The laboratory environment at Stockholm University requires high-quality and reliable refrigeration and freezing equipment to ensure successful research outcomes. It is essential to maintain a strong international position by continuously working with top-quality products.

Laboratory refrigerators and freezers

Stockholm University is conducting a public procurement for a framework agreement regarding laboratory refrigerators and freezers, along with the accompanying range of products for these devices.

Stockholm University intends to award contracts to multiple tenderers across different tender areas (TA).

The scope of the procurement is encompassed by the following TAs:

TA 1: Atex interior refrigerators, freezers and combination units

TA 2: Low temperature freezers - 86°C

TA 3: Mechanical cryo freezers - 150°C

The products are aimed for research and laboratory work. The laboratory environment at Stockholm University requires high-quality and reliable refrigeration and freezing equipment to ensure successful research outcomes. It is essential to maintain a strong international position by continuously working with top-quality products.

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