Stockholms Universitet Facilitating the course management with ICT in the University of San Andres

Facilitating the course management with ICT in the University of San Andres

Stockholms Universitet Stockholm

General information
Contact person: Tuija Lehtonen

Institution/similar : Spider / Department of computer and systems science

Direct award regarding: Service

Estimated value: Below 100 000 SEK

Questions answered through:

Last day for questions: 20170515, noon CET.

Last day for tendering: 20170518.

The tender validity time is until 20170615.

The agreement is valid from 20170531 until 20071031

Stockholm University cannot guarantee that this procurement will result in an agreement. The invitation to tender might be withdrawn if all tenders exceed available funding or we do not receive any acceptable tenders.

The procurement will be withdrawn if tender prices exceed 534 890 SEK, which is the upper limit for procurement according the direct award procedure.

Tenders must entirely be in accordance with this invitation to tender. Reservations are not accepted.

Stockholm University is inviting you to tender for the service of facilitating the course: management with ICT in the University of San Andres (UMSA), La Paz Bolivia to be held during wone week in June or July. The main objective is to develop managerial capacity to interpret and implement the organizational strategy and to promote it through the effective and innovative management of ICTs, in an environment of highly added value and continuous improvement.


DSV has an agreement with Sida to give support to the development of Research Management and to the development of a university wide Master Plan for ICT at Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA). The project period is 2013-2017.

DSVs role includes giving advice and support in general on project plans and methods. More specifically DSV is supposed to provide expert knowledge when required. There is a special budget item for the contracting of experts.

Normally UMSA identifies the need of an expert, writes Terms of Reference (ToR) for the contracting and then we (UMSA and DSV’s project coordinators) together start to identify expert candidates for tender invitations.

As part of UMSA’s component Support to Research Management, its project leader expressed the need of a workshop in management with ICT. Knowledge and skills on this topic is much needed as UMSA looks to leverage the quality of research with ICT and Sida has invested a great amount of resources into the research programme. The workshop will be held in the department of research management (El Departamento de Investigación Postgrado e Interacción Social) (DIPGIS) at UMSA. The idea is to invite a wide spectrum of participants such as from technicians from faculties and eventually from other Universities.

Evaluation of Tenders

Most economically advantageous offer will be accepted:

Tenders are to be evaluated according to the following award criteria

1. Quality of course proposal

2. Course proposal meets the required objectives.

3. Availability

4. Price

Requirements on the supplier:
Tenderer must be registered in a company register, commercial register or similar register, in the country where the supplier is established.

The tenderer must also be registered for reporting and payment of VAT, value-added tax in Sweden or in the home country, legally stipulated requirements in connection with their registration, tax and fee obligations. The tenderer may not have any debts regarding social fees and taxes.

With regard to Swedish tenderers Stockholm University will obtain information from the Swedish Tax Agency (“Skatteverket”) concerning fulfillment of liabilities concerning taxes and social fees. Swedish tenderer do not need to attach any documentation to confirm the fulfillment.

Foreign tenderers must, append corresponding certificates in Swedish or English from official authorities in their home countries confirming their fulfillment regarding registration in professional or commercial register and fulfillment of payment of all prescribed taxes and social fees stated above.

Crime or serious faults in exercising the profession
A review regarding exclusion of the tenderer will be performed according to 10 Chapter 1-4§ LOU

A tenderer will be excluded if conditions according to 10 Chapter 1 § and/or 2 § LOU are valid.

Requirements regarding ability and capacity

The tenderer must have the ability and capacity in order to supply the product and/or the service asked for.

The tenderer will verify this by giving a short description of the company its organization, size and competence of relevant personnel.

If the tenderer intends to engage subcontractors in order to accomplish any parts of the delivery, then a list with the name of subcontractors and the parts of the delivery which they will perform must be included in the tender.

The tenderer is responsible of any subcontractor’s staff and work in the same extent as of his own parts. Subcontractors must meet the same requirements as the tenderer.

The list must contain:

Information about the subcontractor

List the parts of deliveries which will be accomplished by subcontractors.

State references from earlier projects or deliveries that has been accomplished during the last three years (name/company, contact person and telephone or E-mail address). Will be used to qualify tenderer.

Economic and financial status
The same requirements are valid for Swedish and foreign tenderers.

The tenderer must have such a stable economy and financial status that it is good and stable enough to perform the commission without any risk of disturbances caused by poor economy.

Stockholm University will make a review of the tenderer’s economic and financial position through the Business-and Credit information company Soliditet’s risk rating.

If the tenderer fulfills a rating corresponding to B or better, the requirement regarding economic and financial state is fulfilled. If the tenderer does not have the requested credit rating, then the requirement regarding economic stability is not regarded as not fulfilled and the tender is not qualified for evaluation.

Exceptions from the requirement regarding rating of risk might be possible if the company for some special reason have difficulty to meet the requirement. If the rating is less than the accepted value then Stockholm University will ask for an explanation and / or certificate that clearly shows that the tenderer have similar economic stability.

Requirement of the service

To facilitate a week long workshop in bootcamp-mode in Spanish for UMSA in June or July with the following general and specific objectives:

General Objective:

To develop the managerial capacity to interpret and implement the organizational strategy and to promote it through the effective and innovative management of the TICs, in an environment of high added value and continuous improvement.

Specific objectives

1. Generate strategies and tools for management with ICT.

2. Identify organizational strategy elements, assimilate them and effectively align them with ICT services.

3. To develop the capacity to implement the use of ICTs for organizational innovation, and to share innovative methods to manage ICTs.

4. Develop an inventory of opportunities to optimize the management of ICTs, and recognize effective methods of prioritization.

5. Share effective practices for the management, leadership and management of ICT projects and the management of organizational change.

6. Present the essential elements of several organizational frameworks and organizational management methodologies that will be implemented through ICTs (Lean Management, Six Sigma, ITIL, etc.)

7. Demonstrate the strategic role of ICT in the models of operational excellence followed by world-class organizations.

8. Present macro trends in ICTs through which service delivery can be innovated (telework, telepresence, mobility, internet of things, etc.).

Required attachments:

- Your course proposal in English and Spanish.

- Budget incl. fees for each item such as facilitation, travel costs, accommodation, materials, insurance etc.

- Preferred week(s) between June and July 2017.

- CV in English and Spanish

- Proof of registered company.

Commercial terms and conditions- concept agreement
Other standard terms and conditions than those specified in the concept agreement are not accepted.

The Tenderer must accept terms and conditions in the attached Concept Agreement. A Tender with any reservations or changes in the Concept Agreement will not be accepted for further evaluation.

See attached Concept Agreement which is the base to the final Agreement between the Tenderer and Stockholm University.

The main rule is that anybody who desires to take part of the procurement documentation has the right to do so.

All information in the tenders including enclosures, in paper and/or electronic documents are absolute confidential until an award decision or decision to withdraw the procurement process is made public. After the award decision or a decision to withdraw the procurement process is made public, information in the tender documents including enclosures can remain confidential if they concern individual business or operational activities, if for special reason it is presumed that the individual may suffer damage if the information is made public.

Stockholm University will review any desires to keep contents of tenders confidential. The tenderers are asked to specify in writing any information in the tender that is desired to be kept confidential and to specify the damage the individual might suffer if the information is made public. Nota bene that Stockholm University never can guaranty that that any parts of the tender can be kept confidential and that a review will be performed for each case.

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Dnr SU-323-2.2.2-0179-17