Sjöfartsverkets upphandlingar EASA Part-21 organisation - Panel Cabin-Cargo & Moving VHF FM NAT NPX 138 from Non Essential Bus

EASA Part-21 organisation - Panel Cabin-Cargo & Moving VHF FM NAT NPX 138 from Non Essential Bus

Sjöfartsverket, NORRKÖPING

The supplier of the modification shall design and produce a panel that can be installed on demand in SMA AW139 and a dedicated flight manual supplement that cancels the requirement with a cabin attendant as specified by Rotor Flight Manual Supplement 54/65 when the panel is installed.

The supplier shall design a modification so that the VHF/FM NAT NPX 138 (KIT P/N 4G2310F02411) is still supplied by power and has normal function even if the non-essential bus #2 is powerless.

Lot nr.: 1

Panel Cabin-Cargo

The supplier of the modification shall design and produce a panel that can be installed on demand in SMA AW139 and a dedicated flight manual supplement that cancels the requirement with a cabin attendant as specified by Rotor Flight Manual Supplement 54/65 when the panel is installed.

Last tender date: 01/31/2024 22:59:59

Type of contract: Services

Authority: Sjöfartsverket

Information URL:

Document URL:

Tenders URL:

Duration contract start date : 02/29/2024 23:00:00

Duration contract end date : 11/27/2025 23:00:00

Lot nr.: 2

Moving VHF FM NAT NPX 138 from Non Essential Bus

The supplier shall design a modification so that the VHF/FM NAT NPX 138 (KIT P/N 4G2310F02411) is still supplied by power and has normal function even if the non-essential bus #2 is powerless.

Last tender date: 01/31/2024 22:59:59

Type of contract: Services

Authority: Sjöfartsverket

Information URL:

Document URL:

Tenders URL:

Duration contract start date : 02/29/2024 23:00:00

Duration contract end date : 11/27/2025 23:00:00

Lot nr.: 3

General requirements

General requirements.

Last tender date: 01/31/2024 22:59:59

Type of contract: Services

Authority: Sjöfartsverket

Information URL:

Document URL:

Tenders URL:

Duration contract start date : 02/29/2024 23:00:00

Duration contract end date : 11/27/2025 23:00:00

Sista anbudsdag
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