Linköping kommuns upphandlingar New bag house filter in Linköping

New bag house filter in Linköping

Tekniska verken i Linköping AB (publ), Linköping

Tekniska verken i Linköping AB (publ) has the intension to exchange an existing electrostatic precipitator filter (ESP) and replace it with a bag house filter for boiler 3 (P3) in the town central placed Kraftvärmeverket.


The contract will be based on ABA99 - General Conditions for Supply of Industrial Works.

P has the intension to exchange an existing electrostatic precipitator filter (ESP) and replace it with a bag house filter for boiler 3 (P3) in the town central placed Kraftvärmeverket. P3 is in service approximately 3500 h per year and the fuel is tree based waste. The intention is to do the installations during the summer period 2020 when the boiler is closed down.

The driver for investing in a new bag house filter is due to the existing ESP has a high yearly maintenance need at a high cost. As well the ESP will not meet the upcoming Best Available Technology (BAT) regulations.

Included in the scope is also facilities for the filter ash residue, a new storage silo.

The assignment is described in more detail in the attached appendices.

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Östergötlands län

