Chalmers tekniska högskola Dilution Refrigerators Quantum

Dilution Refrigerators Quantum

Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Aktiebolag, Göteborg

This procurement covers the purchase of 5 cryostats and associated auxiliaries. The cryostats and the auxiliaries are referred to as DRs throughout the tender. In particular, QTL wishes to procure:

2 DRs, equipped to host a large quantum processor, referred to as DR 100qubits

2 DRs, referred to as DR standard

1 DR, referred to as DR low height

This procurement covers the purchase of 5 cryostats and associated auxiliaries. The cryostats and the auxiliaries are referred to as DRs throughout the tender. In particular, QTL wishes to procure:

2 DRs, equipped to host a large quantum processor, referred to as DR 100qubits

2 DRs, referred to as DR standard

1 DR, referred to as DR low height


This procurement covers the purchase of 5 cryostats and associated auxiliaries. The cryostats and the auxiliaries are referred to as DRs throughout the tender. In particular, QTL wishes to procure:

2 DRs, equipped to host a large quantum processor, referred to as DR 100qubits

2 DRs, referred to as DR standard

1 DR, referred to as DR low height

Purpose of procurement

Driven by the exciting challenge of exploiting quantum physics to gain performances otherwise unattainable, the QTL group exploits superconducting circuits for a variety of different experiments. These experiments need for the devices to be cooled down at tens of millikelvin. For this reason, the QTL group needs to procure 5 cryostats whose technical specification are found in Appendix 1 – System Requirements.

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Meddelande om upphandling


Västra Götalands län


C 2022-1730