Chalmers tekniska högskola 240219_Orientation System

240219_Orientation System

Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Aktiebolag

Direct award

Request for tender:

Description of goods/services

Automatic orientation system

Requirements specifications of goods/services

The purchase must include the following products/commitments/services:


Price shall be submitted in EUR excluding VAT and include all related costs requested in this request for tender.

32 000

Agreement terms

The supplier must accept all agreement terms.

Evaluation of tenders

 The most economically advantageous tender (i.e. an assessment of price, quality, service etc.) will be chosen.

Description of the criteria that will be assessed (in the prioritized order):

Type of fish

Baltic herring Fish condition Fresh, category A (CE No. 2406/96) Defrosted can be processed, but with decreased performance and speed.

Average weight

Fish dimensions

E, mm Grade 130-200 mm

Automatic orientation system helps to infeed and orientate fish with heads first and eparate the fish one by one in a line.

Confidentiality and the freedom of information principle

After the procurement has been terminated the principle of public access to official records applies. This means that all documents related to the procurement process become public and may be disclosed to anyone who requests access to them. Exceptions may only be made if there is any specific reason to believe that the Tenderer may suffer damage if the information is disclosed.

If you have information that you feel is of such nature, your tender shall include precise details of which information should remain confidential, and how you would suffer damage in case of the public disclosure of this information. Chalmers will evaluate your request and determine whether confidentiality in accordance with Swedish law may be deemed to apply.

Sista anbudsdag









Västra Götalands län


240219_Orientation System