Chalmers tekniska högskola 240210 Fish Nobbing Line

240210 Fish Nobbing Line

Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Aktiebolag

Direct award

Request for tender: Fish Nobbing line

Description of goods/services

Requirements specifications of goods/services

The purchase must include the following products/commitments/services:

Fish Nobbing line.


Price shall be submitted in EUR excluding VAT and include all related costs requested in this request for tender.

Max price is: 60 000 EUR.

Agreement terms

The supplier must accept all agreement terms.

Tender submission

The tender must be received no later than 2024-02-23

The tender shall be valid until 2024-03-23

Evaluation of tenders

1) The most economically advantageous tender (i.e. an assessment of price, quality, service) will be chosen.

Escpecially the following criteria will be considered (in the prioritized order):

- Price

- Performance, detailed description for the system below:

Fish - herring (130-200mm)

Condition - fresh

Line productivity –

Nobbing 220-250 fish/min

Filleting 150 fish/min

Requirements for Hopper

The useful volume of the Hopper tank must be at least 600 liter

The hopper must have a water supply and water level adjustment.

The hopper must be equipped with washing hatches.

Requirements for Orientator

Orientation of fish with heads first, at least 90% of the fish, depending on the quality of the fish.

Separate the fish one by one in a line.

In case of fish jams, there should be a sound and light signal.

You should be able to see the workload of all electric motors on the screen. There should be a warning signal in case of overload.

The structure of the orientator should be easy to wash and maintain

Requirements for Autofeeder

The autofeeder must ensure the orientation of the fish with their heads first and feeding them one by one to the pocket nobbing device.

The autofeeder must be adjustable according to the size of the fish.

The filling of the pockets should be at least 60%, depending on the quality of the fish.

Pocket nobbing line specifications.

Must be able to handle fish from 130 mm lenght

Durable pocket chain can withstand high mechanical loads.

Chains pockets are attached to chain support with special spacers to make less contact surface.

Head pocket chain with special plastic fish head supports, for more precise head fixing. Possible easy to adjust head cutting line.

Fish transfer from head to tail cutting is happening with belt driven rotating brush.

Well-designed tale cutting system and cut tale removing chute.

Quiet operation as long metal chain will run on plastic guides.

Vacuum system requirements

To collect vacuum waste, the container must have an automatic emptying function.

It should be possible to adjust the vacuum pressure.

Fish feeding unit from pocket machine to fillet machine

Must be able to locate fish with their bellies down.

Must be able to adjust to the size of the fish.

Requirements for filleting equipment

Must be able to easily adjust according to the size of the fish

Width of the fish

Height of fillet knives

Feeding speed

It must be possible to regulate the intensity of water supply to the main nodes.

General requirements

Basic construction material – AISI 304 (stainless steel)

The design of the equipment must be easy to wash and meet the safety requirements of food equipment.

All wire plugs and inputs must be provided with moisture protection degree IP 65;

Electricity connection - 380V, 3 phases, 50Hz.

The equipment must be able to work in rooms with a temperature of +10...+250 C

Devices must provide the following information on the screen

Current productivity (fish/min)

Production schedule curve

Product archive for at least 1 week

Error archive

For service and maintenance needs, each electric motor and conveyor must be operated separately in service mode.

- Delivery time

- After-purchase service and support

Confidentiality and the freedom of information principle

After the procurement has been terminated the principle of public access to official records applies. This means that all documents related to the procurement process become public and may be disclosed to anyone who requests access to them. Exceptions may only be made if there is any specific reason to believe that the Tenderer may suffer damage if the information is disclosed.

If you have information that you feel is of such nature, your tender shall include precise details of which information should remain confidential, and how you would suffer damage in case of the public disclosure of this information. Chalmers will evaluate your request and determine whether confidentiality in accordance with Swedish law may be deemed to apply.

Sista anbudsdag









Västra Götalands län

